Monday, October 16, 2017

No Review Required (More Random Thoughts)

And it’s a start of a new week. With my new laptop. Which I just got, because my old one died on me after 5 and a half years. I’m a bit sad, because I had so many memories with that laptop, but then again, this new one is super impressive. There are features here I never even knew about? Like using my fingerprint to sign in, having everything sync to the cloud automatically, THIS TOUCH BAR IN GENERAL. It’s just a lot to take in, and it has been awhile since I’ve been super overwhelmed.

But anyways, this hasn’t stopped me from sharing my thoughts on MORE BOOKS. Because I can. So let’s get to it.

Is it a coincidence that my laptop literally died RIGHT as I was finishing this? But anyways, I liked Gemina, I really did. But I think the fact that I was not reading a finished copy of this affected my experience. Especially when this series really relies a lot on the photos to tell a story (and half of them just weren’t there yet). But this is why I am saving judgment until I buy and read a finished copy.

“Now, children, watch closely. Hold your breath. Listen. And I will show you the components of calamity.”

But even so, I don’t think this was up to par with Illuminae. Maybe it’s because there were new characters, though I did like them enough. Mostly I think it was because I had zero clue as to how the story connected to the previous one. And again, totally my fault because my memory for these things is so poor. Like why was Beitech attacking the ship? I don’t remember.

All in all, I just need to reread the finished copy of this book, and Illuminae, before the final book comes out.

AHH. WHAT DO I EVEN SAY ABOUT THIS FINAL BOOK? I mean other than the fact that we get MORE from this series. (Though I will miss Lila and Kell).

“What are we drinking to?"

"The living," said Rhy.
"The dead," said Alucard and Lila at the same time.
"We're being thorough," added Rhy.”

ACOL was everything I wanted from a finale and more. Finishing the trilogy made me want to start ALL OVER AGAIN because I just wanted to be with the characters longer. I did not want the series to end. And I think this was why I held off on finishing this book for so long?

I honestly did not expect this type of story, but I 100% enjoyed it. It was an amazing spin on the tale of Persephone and Hades, based on Indian mythology (I think). And the story itself was much more than I expected? Like I thought this would be a typical “girl gets dragged to underworld” type of plot, BUT NOPE. I was blown away, again, by the YA genre.

“No matter where we are, we’ll always share the same sky. We can always find each other in the same constellation.”

I also have Crown of Wishes, but it’s not a direct sequel but rather a companion. I’m curious to see whether I’ll like that as well. Guess I’ll have to see when I get to it.

Look at that, a series starter, a middle book, and a finale. I covered all my bases. Have you read any of these series?
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