Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday #44

Hosted by the Broke and the Bookish!

Top Ten Book Related Problems I Have

Like as in book nerd problems? Problems for being a blogger? Or just books? I do have to admit I do have problems, but that's mostly because of money and not having enough time and yeah. Wooo for being a book nerd! But that's why I'm a book blogger, so let's get down with it.

The Money Problems - Haha! I am broke sadly. Well not exactly broke, but I'm still iffy about spending money on books. Have you seen those price tags? I usually just wait for sales. I also have limited myself to one new release per month.

The sad, busy life of a college student, aka NO TIME - I have homework all the time, and studying too. Don't forget my "social life". Oh, and work. I barely have any time, and if I want to read at night, I have to make sure not to fall asleep.

Reading eARCs that turn out to be not the best - Yeahhh. Especially those "meh" ones. I don't mind reading ones that are bad because then I have a reason for not liking them, but sometimes there is no reason. I just didn't like it, and how am I supposed to explain that?

Writing negative reviews - They are very fun to write. So technically it's not a problem, but sometimes I feel bad for saying how bad a book is. 

Which book should I read next?? - I never, EVER know. Seriously. I never have a TBR for the month because when do I ever follow those. Also, another problem is trying to fit in all the books during a week. Every time I tell myself "I can read three books this week!", but it never happens.

Not having IRL friends to flail with - Honestly, I only have one friend in real life that reads like me, but she doesn't read as fast, and it's only the well-known books. Don't get me wrong, I love love love LOVE talking to you guys about books, BUT THEN AGAIN there are some books I want to talk about that no one has read yet. (That's what buddy reads are for)

The judgy-ness of others - Le sigh. I feel really weird for reading in my campus starbucks, but I literally don't care anymore. I basically spend all my free time there, reading. NO SHAME. 

NOT ENOUGH BOOKSHELVES - I only have one bookshelf and it is filling up fast. And even if I buy a new one, where would I put it? For now, I've decided to just resort to bins. It's until I move anyways. 

Misleading covers - I am obsessed with covers. So much that I will judge a book by it's cover. I end up requesting books based on covers, and that's not a good thing, especially if they turn out not so good (cough The Winter People cough)

DNFing books - I don't like not finishing books, I really don't. But you know, I should probably do it more often because I don't like reading books that I don't like. 

Is it a bad thing that that was easy coming up with all those problems? Oh well reading is what I do, what we all do. So let's be proud of all the things we go through for reading.

Do you have any book nerd problems?
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