Saturday, July 30, 2016

An Innocent Smiley #15: Moving (And Why Are There So Many Recaps This Month?)

Good question!

Mainly because I have been in a slump from not being productive this whole summer vacation. Which is fine. I deserve a break once in awhile.

A photo posted by Valerie (@innocent.smiley) on

Also, because I really want to share all the links I have collected over the month!

Emily @ Looney Literate explains why not every YA book has to have romance! When I was younger, I hated romance with a burning passion, and I was also looking for books that didn't have any.

Aila @ Happy Indulgence also talked about the inclusion and exclusion of romance in books!

Alex @ The Book's Buzz shares advice on requesting ARCs that she received at Blogboundcon!

Aentee @ Read At Midnight has both a Pokemon Go tag and a Pokemon themed readathon, that you should all join by the way because I did. And because Pokemon.

Cynthia @ Bingeing On Books asks why we need to apologizing for not blogging or taking breaks. I don't. No hard feelings hahahah.

Want summer to never end? Rashika @ The Social Potato recommends these books that scream summer!

Holly @ The Fox's Hideaway emphasizes how reviews aren't the only form of promotion for books!

Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight turns her blogging lemons into lemonade! Instead of "making life take the lemons back" (which is what I would do. Also quote from a video game), she sees the good in what at first seems bad in her habits.

Not going to lie, I may or may not be a little nervous about moving. There's just so much I have to do, and why do I have the feeling that my apartment has been given to someone else? (Chill Val, if they did that I would sue somehow)

Fine, I am pretty excited. I can't wait to buy furniture, decorate my new place, just settle in. I already packed up all of the books I am taking, so packing is 1/3 done (I mean basically right?).

I wanted July to be my "very productive" month when it came to blogging, but whoops it was not. I guess I will try again with August? 

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You know where you should move. Australia. That's all I have to say to you today. MAKE IT HAPPEN.
My recent post The Diverse Books Tag
1 reply · active 447 weeks ago
I'M SORRY I ALREADY AM HERE. I mean I can't just up and move to Australia as much as I WANT TO. <3 I will visit you one day.
Oh my goodness. I'm so honored to be on this list of posts! I always get some of my post ideas and favorite posts to read from your recaps too <3 It's so exciting that you're moving, and I wish you the best on getting settled and everything. July for me was DEFINITELY my productive month. I'm not ready for August, ya know? It's the month before school starts and then shit is going down for real...

LOL Okay I'm ruining the moment. You had such a lovely month ;)
1 reply · active 447 weeks ago
YOU RUINED IT. I mean I like school, but then I forget how freaking stressful it is and I cannot. Like looking forward to summer is my favorite thing to do. The only good thing is that I'll probably have maybe 2 weeks of winter and that will be all. And hahah I just share whatever posts, and I like yours alot! I feel honored that you feel honored :D
Lovely picture :) Good luck with your move. I am sure it will go smoothly. And decorating a new place will be so much fun. Have a great week!
My recent post Mini Review ~ Appealed
1 reply · active 447 weeks ago
It is a lot of fun! Though right now I am running into the problem of having a lack of funds to decorate right away ahah. Thank you Grace!
Ooh, I can't believe I missed out on some of these links - they're awesome! Thanks for sharing ^_^
I had no idea you were moving! But it sounds like it's going to be a fun experience - decorating a new place comes with so much potential!
And yeah, there's always August - fingers crossed! :)

My recent post Blog Milestone: ONE HUNDRED BLOGLOVIN' FOLLOWERS, BABY!
1 reply · active 447 weeks ago
Yes I moved! I'll be my last move until 2021 I suppose! Or I really hope so. I can't wait to decorate. Right now I just have no money so it is hard ahah. :)
OH good luck with your move! Moving can be so stressful right? omg. *sends you encouraging chocolate for energy* And packing up books is the hard part for sure. NO WAIT! Lifting those boxes of books = hardest of ever.😂

Oh oh I love that picture of This Savage Song. <3
1 reply · active 447 weeks ago
IT IS and I really hope I don't have to move again for another 5 years! Yay chocolate! I had my parents lift my boxes for me. Up 3 flights of stairs. No shame. :)

Thank you!
Moving to a new apartment is exciting! Not so much for the heavy work stuff but just fixing up the place and putting a stamp on it. I hope you'll post pics!

Have a great month, Val!
1 reply · active 447 weeks ago
The heavy work stuff was the worst and I am very glad that I am done with it! Thank you Joy!
Haha I have been the same this summer as far as trying to be productive - very unsuccessful. I'm so excited for your move, grad school is a whole new chapter of life! Decorating a new place and settling in will be fun :)
1 reply · active 447 weeks ago
Yeah summer does this thing that makes you just lay in your bed all day everyday hahah. Decorating is going to be so fun, once I get more furniture and money :)
Thus, Pokemaster Val evolves into Sue Val. ;) They better not give up your apartment, but yesss so excited for your move, too!! I detest packing like no tomorrow, especially when it comes how I'm gonna singlehandedly haul my bird and books to the place. Yeeeesh. Good luck! <3
My recent post Review: Wax (+ All The Punniest, Waxiest Things I Loved About It!)
1 reply · active 447 weeks ago
YOUR BIRD!? <3 Packing isn't such a big deal for me because I have next to nothing in all areas of...belongings. But carrying up all those boxes was very hard, not that I did most of the work but whatever! Thank you Peach!
Moving is the worst! I am kind of lucky that my last move was because my husband got a job as a civilian employee with the Navy. Not only did the government pay for it, but their movers actually packed everything for us and then unpacked it at our new location. Love that! Feel free to take it easy on the blogging front with your move. Things can get s hectic, I know. And thank you so much for featuring my post! :)
My recent post Top Ten Tuesday - Gift Card Wish List
1 reply · active 447 weeks ago
They packed everything for you? In the truck? I am definitely going to do that next time I move, since it'll most likely be 5 years from now. I plan to take it easy for the next 5 years hahahah. Because life and the start of grad school :)

You're welcome!! I love your posts!
It's always good to take a break sometimes. I've been a bit slumpy lately as well and I think I just need some time away from blogging and reading. I'm excited that we'll be doing the #ReadThemAllThon together though and hopefully that'll kick us back into shape again :D
My recent post Indulgence Designs #4: Three’s the Lucky Number
1 reply · active 447 weeks ago
I am really excited for the #ReadThemAllThon too! It seems like a lot of people will be doing it :) I'm hoping that once I get back to work and classes, it'll help me be productive. Hopefully.

Honestly all I need is a desk, because I am 10000% more productive when I use one!
Ugh, I hate moving too! I moved around A LOT until about 5 years ago and it never gets easier LOL
1 reply · active 447 weeks ago
Nooooooo don't tell me that hahah. I think next time I'll pay for movers to move everything in for me :)

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