Thursday, July 21, 2016

Pokemon Go Book Tag: Gotta Read'em All!

Aentee you amazing, awesome person. Thank you so much for creating this tag, because I love it. And all of your graphics are on point, hence why I will be using them all for this tag.

It's no surprise that I am obsessed about Pokemon. I have played pretty much all of the games (until the Nintendo 3DS ones because I don't have that console), and have been following the development of Pokemon Go since forever. Kind of why when I saw it mentioned on Twitter, I was ecstatic. So, since everyone and their mom knows about this game now, I would like to present the Pokemon Go Tag, created by the lovely Aentee @ Read At Midnight

Good question! Do I ever remember? Let's see. When it came to being a young reader, I was introduced to books through the Magic Tree House Series. And then I couldn't stop there. Throughout elementary school, I also fell in love with Inkheart, a book I read multiple times. Then as a young teenager, Meg Cabot brought me back into the world of reading.

I can't believe how many books I read while in elementary school. I vividly remember having a book under my desk while the teacher was teaching (It's not like I understood what was going on anyways, so meh). 
Oh boy oh boy oh boy. I most definitely have to go with The Book Thief here. And then following that the entire Mediator series by Meg Cabot.

Also, has anyone caught a pikachu yet? BECAUSE I HAVE NOT and I AM MAD.
How about the entire Throne of Glass series? Ahahah. To be fair I do have all the books so far, so I'm sure to get to it someday. But I really have lost interest, especially since everyone keeps talking about it on Twitter. And I'm here like "I have no idea what's going on". I also pretend that I haven't been spoiled for anything, but let's be honest I pretty sure I have been.

I hate zubat. I already evolved one into a golbat so what is even the point? And they are so very hard to catch.
I'm seriously starting to forget what the definition of trope is with how many times I hear it nowadays. Er, let me think. I guess I'll copy Aentee here and also say Red Rising. I tend to hate books that use tropes or themes that I have seen before.

Ha. Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson. Sure, I read Way of Kings which was 1000 pages, but can I take another 1000 page book? Can I? Maybe I should break it down for myself? I don't know, I need something to motivate me into reading it.

I have seen Snorlaxes (Snorlax?) around at Pokemon gyms, but where can I get my own? Look at its squishy face. I want.

Most recently, The Knife of Never Letting Go, because holy shit.

Normally I wouldn't have an answer to this question, but I have been staying up later and later these past couple of days, just because it is summer. So thank you summer. Also I am pretty close to getting a Gengar. Only 50 more candies to go! *cries*
I do not know if I will ever have another bookish OTP besides them, but hands down Rudy and Liesel from The Book Thief. Yes I know they are children, do I care? NO. Because they DEsERVE EACH oThER! ANd yes I am still in denial thank you very much for asking, no I do not care about what is or is not possible. LEAVE ME BEEE.

I think I am somewhat close to getting a Nidoking, and maybe even a Nidoqueen. I'll have to check. They are surprisingly more common than I thought out here in the real world.
Nevernight! Yes I just finished this, and yes I will be shouting and raving about it all month long because wow. Just wow. You really have to read it and experience it for yourself.
I don't see many spin-offs for series I love, so this is a hard one for me. I guess you could say the companion novels for Code Name Verity. I just very recently found out that Elizabeth Wein is publishing a prequel to it, and I am so very very excited. It's gonna be called The Pearl Thief.

Guess who has all Eveelutions? Me. Thanks to the hack, I was finally able to get a Jolteon! 
I love what Magikarp represents in this tag ahaha. I'm probably going to have to go with The Raven Boys. Mainly because I didn't think I would like anything by Maggie Stiefvater, regardless of the fact that I hadn't read any of her books before then. I just didn't think her Shiver series was for me, which translated to me thinking all her other books wouldn't be for me either. Big mistake.

How is anyone supposed to get 400 Magikarp candies? How?

None! Just kidding. Er, I guess Red Queen? I have the book, which is why I want to read it in the first place. But after seeing so many reactions about the second book, I am a little scared about starting the series. Ah well.
Collector's edition? AH YES. It may not technically be a collector's edition, but I do very much want the 10th anniversary edition of The Book Thief. Someone should gift it to me.

I recently bought the Australian editions of The Abhorsen Trilogy, and I am very much in love.
Wow I guess I have to choose one out of the million that are coming out huh? I will have to go with Wait For Me by Caroline Leech, because WWII!
Stacey Lee. She is the sweetest, and also my mom likes her. (Or more accurately, my mom likes that she's Chinese. No shame mom)

I HATE WHEN THE SERVERS GO DOWN. You would think by now that they would have fixed this issue? But nope they have not. Then again I am really not surprised because what was I expecting.

Let's see. How about Strange The Dreamer? Apparently the release date is being pushed back for it and I am not a happy camper.

There you have it. I'm tagging anyone who wants to do this, or plays Pokemon Go for that matter!

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They were so perfect for each other! Reading The Book Thief, I could see them growing old together, experiencing all these milestones together and just being perfect ahhh :(
My recent post Akarnae by Lynette Noni
1 reply · active 450 weeks ago
I KNOW RIGHT? It makes me sad all the time hahaha
Throne of Glass is what I said for Zubat too! And after everything I've seen for it I know some of the major plot points that aren't even going to be a surprise anymore if I ever read them, and it's just made me lose any motivation at all. (Plus I would like to avoid those constant ship wars thank you very much.)
My recent post Pokemon Go Book Tag
1 reply · active 450 weeks ago
Same here! Though honestly I feel so out of the loop whenever I see something on Twitter. But at the same time I don't really care for it? Is that bad hahah. I mean one day I will get to the series because might as well, but just I suppose. AND NO SHIP WARS FOR ME.
Technically you have 3 of 7 Eeveelutions but who's actually counting? :p Book Thief and Code Name Verity I should add to my TBR. I still need to start the Abhorsen trilogy
3 replies · active 450 weeks ago
ExcUSE YOUUUUU I meant in the game. :P :P :P Maybe I will have all of them in the future OK MELISSA.

You need to read all those books you just mentioned ASAP.
I'm just being a Butt! Lol I'm working on it! AHHH *stares at growing august pile*
I KNOW YOU WERE BEING A BUTT :P I like how Butt is capitalized.
A few things. One, when does Red Rising get better? I really hope it is soon. Because so far... yeah. Just tell me when I should be enjoying it by, okay? I will gift you The Book Thief one day, when I am not poor. I mean, you'd probably be able to buy it yourself by that point though. Orrr maybe you will have a birthday in January. Or I will get you for Secret Santa. You NEVER KNOW. Dude, same with ToG, only I own the damn books so I know I will have to read them eventually. Because you KNOW if I don't read the last book next year the MINUTE it comes out I will be spoiled- actually, probably BEFORE then I will be spoiled, because somehow, someway, some jerk will spoil it.

We should read Red Queen together and see if we love or hate it. Ditto on being excited for Wait for Me! Also that random ass dead fish makes me sad. Just saying.
My recent post Gemini by Sonya Mukherjee: Review & Giveaway
1 reply · active 450 weeks ago
I don't know? Honestly I didn't think Red Rising was your type of book hahahha. And so I am not surprised at all that you aren't enjoying it. And yeah I probably WILL buy myself that Book Thief edition one day, but I am just too frugal. And usually I wait years before buying something I want. Oops.

I OWN THE DAMN BOOKS TOO so I know I will HAVE to read them one day! And yeah I'm sure I will be spoiled for the last book somehow. Whatever.

OMG this is such an awesome tag!!! I totally love it. My zubat is Divergent series, because everyone is still talking about it and telling me I should read it and I'm like "Nah, not interested" :D Also, I feel you. Zubats are really anoying. Also, I have sooo many pigeys it's not even funny. Where are the good ones? I need new pokemon. :D
Also I've finished the first book in the Raven Cycle series and it was surprisingly amazing. Cannot wait for the rest of the series.
My recent post How to read more books?
1 reply · active 450 weeks ago
Hahah isn't it? And I didn't know everyone was still talking about Divergent because I don't see it around anymore, other than bookstores hahah.

I HAVE SO MANY PIDGEYS TOO. But I'm saving them. Because evolving pokemon gives you a lot of experience, especially when paired with a lucky egg. ISN'T THAT SMART. Also I just shared with you my secret so use it wisely.

The Raven Cycle is amazing! I hope you love the rest of the series :)
Ahhh a shame to hear about the Throne of Glass series Val! I absolutely love that series and it is one of my favourites but I can get what you mean. I haven't started Brandon Sanderson either, even Romeo has started reading it! YESSS I'm so glad you loved TKONLG! That's so exciting you've got all the eeveelutions! I'm sitting on it for some reason, just in case. But yay for the naming hack! I love this tag so much, will be doing it soon!
1 reply · active 450 weeks ago
Hahah I'm definitely going to be reading it, just not now. HOW HAVE YOU NOT STARTED BRANDON SANDERSON. FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE OF ROMEO. I'm sure he will tell you how awesome his books are :)

Ooo I want to see your tag!!!
AHH yes I'm so excited for strange the dreamer toooooo! I can't wait for that to come out. This tag is so cute!! I loved the questions :) I have been avoiding downloading Pokemon Go because I know it will take over my life, and I don't have time for that! There are books that need to be read LOL. So glad you finally got around to (and enjoyed) TKONLG :P
1 reply · active 450 weeks ago
Hahaha I can't believe you are avoiding the game! That must take a lot of willpower. But it's so true it does completely take over your life, it's crazy!

Yes I finally read TKONLG and I loved it :)
omg I think the Magic Tree House books were the ones that got me into reading too. I LOVED THEM AS A KID! (And even when I was in high school.. DON'T JUDGE ME). Also Nevernight and The Book Thief, yessss. And Strange the Dreamer! I feel like I've been waiting my whole life for a new Laini Taylor book. AND THE PEARL THIEF OMG YES I CANNOT WAIT I'M SO EXCITED IT'S HAPPENING.
My recent post A Quiet Person in a Loud World
1 reply · active 447 weeks ago
I KNOW. I made my parents buy me the whole set I think. Up until the new releases of course. Omg in high school I am definitely judging you sorry. I FEEL LIKE I WILL NEVER GET STRANGE THE DREAMER AND THAT MAKES ME SAD. AND YES THE PEARL THIEFFFFF
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Pokemon takes you to the good old days, and this blog was no different. Every parts of this blog was pitch perfect. Amazon Pokemon
great post

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