Saturday, July 23, 2016

An Innocent Life #14: More Pokemon & Readathon Books

Hello there!

Having experienced now 2 weeks of Pokemon Go, the Make Me Read It Readathon, and my vacation from vacation, you could say I have a lot of to talk about. Too bad! I have nothing for you.

A photo posted by Valerie (@innocent.smiley) on

This year, I read three of my Make Me Read It Books! That ended up being The Winner's Crime, Carry On, and The Knife Of Never Letting Go.

Although I didn't mind reading The Winner's Crime, I felt that it was a little boring, setting up stuff for the finale. Though from the ending, I can sure tell that The Winner's Kiss will be epic. On the other hand, I ended up having so many problems with Carry On. I ended up getting an eARC of it from Netgalley (it was Read Now), and the formatting just wasn't that great. But you'll hear more about that in my review.

But oh man, The Knife Of Never Letting Go was freaking fantastic. Sure, I felt dead by the end, but it was totally worth it. Like wow I was just not expecting how amazing it was (ok that's a lie, I definitely expected it, but this just exceeded those expectations).

Again, thank you to everyone that participated!! I hope you all had fun (even with the release of Pokemon Go HAHA)

After chilling in Boston for two weeks, I'm back in Florida again. Mainly getting ready for the big move that will happen in August. I'll have to decide exactly what books to bring with me, and what to leave at my parents. It's going to be hard.

So it's been about 2 weeks since Pokemon Go came out. I'm currently level 17, Team Mystic, and have caught 411 Pokemon. And of course, still nowhere near catching them all because all I see are Pidgeys and Rattatas. Gah.

Hope everyone's July is going well!

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The Winner's Crime was hard to get through for me as well. The writing was what got me through it. I have got to read a Patrick Ness book. All I hear are raves for them!
Ahh! I can't believe you're so close to moving to your new place. When does school start for you?? Mine starts on September 19th and I'm already weeping because no more free time! I like being lazy. I wish I could get paid for being lazy haha. I have to register for my classes next week.
Enjoy your last few days of break! :)
My recent post The Weekly Recap (200)
1 reply · active 450 weeks ago
I'm so excited to be moving! And a little nervous. School starts on August 23rd for me! Though I have orientation a bit earlier. I will have to make a trip to visit you (and Shannon) sometime!

I'm not ready for there to be no free time. I WON'T BE ABLE TO PROCRASTINATE ANYMORE.
Ugh getting ready for a move is no fun. Good luck! I have to say the Make Me Read It books I read this year were all winners, Sorry yours weren't quite as successful. Love your IG picture :) Have a great week!
My recent post Quick Thoughts ~ Make Me Read It Books
1 reply · active 450 weeks ago
Thank you Grace! I'm glad to hear that you loved all your Make Me Read It books!!
Ooh, glad that you're getting through the readathon pretty well! :D
I actually found The Winner's Crime my favourite book in the series o_O But nevertheless, I hope your experience with The Winner's Kiss will be epic (after all, it is the finale!)
And I'm super happy you really loved The Knife of Never Letting Go - I honestly have to read that someday - so many people have said it's really good! many books...too little time :(
My recent post Akarnae by Lynette Noni
1 reply · active 450 weeks ago
Hahah was it? I'm sure that The Winner's Kiss will be amazing for me, I'm sure. YOU MUST READ THE KNIFE OF NEVER LETTING GO! It was really good hahaha. Trust me on this ;)
It definitely sounds like you've been super busy Val! I can't wait to hear about your big move, lots of boxes and take your time! Oh wow, I'm on level 16 Val you are epic! I've candied a lot of Pokemon so I don't know how many I've caught overall. It's been an addiction I tell you :P I'm Team Valor though.
My recent post Indulgence Insider #57 – Hello Internet. We Meet Again.
1 reply · active 450 weeks ago
Hahaha it's getting harder and harder to level up now. I think you just have to keep catching pokemon no matter how many rattatas you see. You can check how many you caught overall by looking at your profile. It's the collector's medal that counts them!

Bleh Team Valor. Just kidding <3 <3 I really only chose Mystic because my friends chose it and I like the color blue :)
Oh not another Pokemon player. My goodness, you guys are impossible to escape :D

I think the dilemma is whether or not to take any books Val, because more than likely you'll buy more anyway and where will you put them all? I can't wait to read The Knife Of Never Letting Go. I've been wanting to read it for so long but have never found the time to binge the series. Not long until until the big move, are you excited? <3
My recent post Sexy Sexy Nevernight
1 reply · active 450 weeks ago
Hahaha Kelly you must have a hard time avoiding us all. :D :D

YEP I'll probably buy millions more and will just have to buy more bookshelves haha. I know I'm planning to leave most of my copies at my parents' home though. Maybe. I don't know. I am very excited for my move! Also a little nervous though. And I'm so lazy I don't want to pack.
You just NOW read TKONLG?? I'm so glad you enjoyed it :D I LOVED that series, as I'm sure you already know. I haven't read those Garth Nix books but those covers are gorgeous! Not the ones I"m used to seeing I don't think. Where are you moving to in August?
1 reply · active 450 weeks ago
YES OK I DID :P :D Now I just need to get to the rest of the series hahaha. I'm moving to North Carolina for grad school!
I am glad you finally read The Winner's Crime! Yay!

I started playing Pokemon Go this weekend when curiosity won out. It's fun but I do not see myself catching them all any time soon (or hanging out at my local gym which is inconveniently not near anything I usually visit). One funny thing about playing in a densely populated area: I can access a pokestop from inside my apartment which amuses me more than it should.
1 reply · active 450 weeks ago
Hahah don't worry I don't see myself catching them all, but I am trying I suppose. I don't have a local gym at the moment, everytime I put my pokemon in one it gets beaten in two seconds!


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