Wednesday, April 1, 2015

ARC Review: The Innocent Centaur Strikes Back

The Innocent Centaur Strikes Back
The Innocent Centaur #2
Publisher: Fat Bunny Books
Release Date: April 1st, 2015
Source: Bought
Date Read: 4/1/15 to 4/1/15
200 pages

In this unbelievable sequel to "The Innocent Centaur", Val encounters a multitude of obstacles on her fight against the evil Northern Fox Girl, who claims to be the "angel" sent from the stars. Having been recently accused of deception by said angel, Val must overcome all the challenges on her way to the "mountain of heavenly beings", including Midfart the vampire.

After teaming up with Amber the unicorn, both find their way to the top of the mountain, however not is all what it seems. Who is this angel anyways? And what kind of name is Midfart?

Is the world in danger? Who will stop the evil angel of the mountain? Will Val succeed and save everyone? Read to find out!

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I can not stress enough how amazing The Innocent Centaur Strikes Back is. After that awesome first book, which I gobbled up the moment I got it, I couldn't wait to see how Val would pull everything off. Plus, isn't that cover amazing! 

Honestly, it's recommended that you read the first book in the series, but I suggest just jumping into this one since the author does an incredible job weaving in the contents of the first book throughout the beginning chapters. PLUS THE CHARACTERS. Gah.

Let me start with what actually happens. So Val, our amazing awesome freaking CENTAUR, has just gotten out of jail for treason against the Northern Fox Girl. Val, clearly seeing through the rouse, barely manages to escape her terrible conditions. She's torn between just leaving everything behind, including all her friends, and facing the angel that has stolen EVERYONE'S HEARTS. Luckily, she was able to find an amazing friend in a unicorn, and together they rise against the EVIL Northern Fox Girl and Midfart the vampire.

GUYS. THIS BOOK IS SO INTENSE. I mean everything is so well written, and throughout the entire novel I couldn't even relax because of the FEELS. The villains are the best I've ever seen in a series. And everytime I think everything is hopeless, I'M WRONG. IT'S GREAT.

Anyways, this is an amazing read. I really recommend this to EVERYONE, because everyone needs to be reading this series. EVERYONE. 


Happy April Fool's Day Everyone!

Yes the book is fake, created by yours truly! DID ANYONE ACTUALLY BELIEVE THIS? How did you like that cover? HA. Oh, and characters relating to real life/blogger life are only like that by coincidence :)
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