Monday, June 27, 2016

Review: And I Darken

And I Darken by Kiersten White
The Conqueror's Saga #1
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Release Date: June 28th, 2016
Source: ALA Midwinter
Date Read: 6/22/16 to 6/26/16
496 pages


And Lada Dragwlya likes it that way. Ever since she and her gentle younger brother, Radu, were wrenched from their homeland of Wallachia and abandoned by their father to be raised in the Ottoman courts, Lada has known that being ruthless is the key to survival. She and Radu are doomed to act as pawns in a vicious game, an unseen sword hovering over their every move. For the lineage that makes them special also makes them targets.

Lada despises the Ottomans and bides her time, planning her vengeance for the day when she can return to Wallachia and claim her birthright. Radu longs only for a place where he feels safe. And when they meet Mehmed, the defiant and lonely son of the sultan, who’s expected to rule a nation, Radu feels that he’s made a true friend—and Lada wonders if she’s finally found someone worthy of her passion.

But Mehmed is heir to the very empire that Lada has sworn to fight against—and that Radu now considers home. Together, Lada, Radu, and Mehmed form a toxic triangle that strains the bonds of love and loyalty to the breaking point.

I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review. Quotes taken from ARC may or may not be in the published edition.

So. I'm sure you have read both 5 star reviews and DNF reviews of And I Darken. Well now you have me! Presenting you with a 3 star review! Drumroll please.

And I Darken presents a different take on the word "princess". In this case, Lada is cruel from the moment of her birth. On the other hand, her little brother Radu is the complete opposite. Pretty and handsome, he only seeks friendship in others while Lada seeks violence.

"I am your father. But that woman is not your mother. Your mother is Wallachia. Your mother is the very earth we go to now, the land I am prince of. Do you understand?"

Lada looked up into her father's eyes, deep-set and etched with years of cunning and cruelty. She nodded, then held out her hand. "The daughter of Wallachia wants her knife back."

The first wrong assumption I made about this book, is that our main character would only Lada. But this book very much features both Lada, Radu, and along with a lot of Mehmed, the sultan's son. I actually loved Lada's cruelty (sorry guys). At times she acted cruel for a purpose; the more she grew, the more she understood her position in the empire. The same can be said for Radu, who was constantly bullied by others as a child. Knowing that his sister could not always protect him, he used other means for his gain.

There was a number of reasons I ended up liking And I Darken, and in the process not DNFing it. For one, I stayed for the characters. Each character, even some of the side ones, were developed and distinct from others. Reading about characters such as Radu, Mehmed, and Lada gave me insight about the historical Ottoman Empire.

Not only that, but both religion and sexuality play a huge role in the novel. I do not often read historical fiction (other than WWII) or contemporary, but I think this is the first YA novel I have read that touches upon Islam. Though it would be surprising for it to not make an appearance, seeing as this IS the Ottoman Empire afterall.

So, here is where I am a little mixed about this novel. You see, I didn't hate it. I loved the characters enough, and the novel itself was compelling to keep reading. However, it was just so damn long. And slow. And I think this is one of the main reasons that many have DNFed this.

To me, this didn't feel like any other YA novel, which is fine, but just hard to get used to. As I Darken features a story that spans across "a lifetime", from birth to Lada and Radu's teenage years. A considerable amount of time was spent on Lada and Radu's childhood, and their preteen years. The book presented back to back obstacles that were easily resolved, making the climax somewhat hard to pinpoint. Although there was an overarching goal, it was not always noticeably present. With other books, the characters are working towards a larger goal, one that is usually made very clear at the beginning of the novel. But here, I just wasn't sure what to expect. There were so many things happening one after the other, that it's easy to lose focus of the actual goal.

As I Darken suffers from a slow-paced plot, but has a great set of characters. I would say that if you like this kind of pacing, or if you like reading about history and have the time to invest in a 500 page book, then this is for you! 

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Yours is the first full review that I have read for this book, and I like that because I feel like yours is really balanced!

I am keen on reading this because I do, on occasion, like to read about unlikeable characters, and it seems like Lada could fall into this category. Although, it also feels like she could fall into the "heartless, strong female" trope, which I really loathe. Also: gay character in historical fantasy *cheering*

When you mentioned the lots of little problems and an unclear overarching climax, it totally reminded me of the first Harry Potter book, HAHA XD

I'm glad you didn't end up DNFing this one, Valerie!
1 reply · active 453 weeks ago
Hahah I'm glad that you liked it! And yeah she is definitely heartless, though at the same time pretty strategic. Everything she does is for a reason (most of the time at least) and I love it :)


I don't even remember the first Harry Potter book and that is sad. Though yeah I can see that if I were to think about the movie ahaha.
I am so bummed to hear about the slow pacing because I lose interest so fast in YA with slower plotlines. For some reason, I can stand endless circling in epic fantasy books, but for my YA I expect efficiency in the plot and word count department, damn it! I still might check this out though because Lada sounds awesome, I enjoy unapologetically bad characters - I feel like not enough fictional books dare to go there in fears people will hate their protagonist.
1 reply · active 453 weeks ago
Yeah same here! Well sometimes the slow pace works for me and other times it just doesn't. I guess I have to mentally prepare myself for it.

Just from reading reviews of this book, I see that a lot of people didn't really like Lada. So I'm sure it is risky having a ruthless character (but still awesome, there definitely needs to be more)
I am kinda bummed you didn't love this book as much as I did. I was never bored reading this, but I guess you are right in that nothing gets resolved. Or things do get resolved and then we move on to more struggle. I really enjoyed this book and I am anxiously awaiting the sequel. Great review, you highlighted the good and the potential drawbacks.
My recent post Weekly Wrap Up #92
1 reply · active 453 weeks ago
I'm just glad that I didn't outright hate it hahah! I think I might continue on with the sequel though! Thank you Karen!
Jazmen Greene's avatar

Jazmen Greene · 454 weeks ago

I really don't like slow paced reads but I think I might like this one. I like her writing.
1 reply · active 453 weeks ago
I haven't read anything else by her but I liked her writing in this one!
Oh, boy. An almost 500-pager seems long, yes. But I must admit that you enjoyed Lada's cruelty whereas it might exact a different reaction from me. I don't know. I'm wary and curious in equal measure.
My recent post [647]: Truth or Beard by Penny Reid
1 reply · active 453 weeks ago
Hahah I am just a cruel person sometimes. But yeah it was really long and draggy and I don't know if I could go through it again, honestly.
I was wondering why I had only seen 5 stars or DNF reviews, but now I get it. I didn't know this book would be so long as it happens during such a long period of time, but thanks for the warning! It's the kind of book I'll read when I have all the time in the world, because it could put me in a reading slump, if it's slow-paced, haha. But I'm SO excited about this one. The characters sound so interesting and I've never read a book set in the Ottoman Empire yet either, I'm so intrigued about that. Great review, Val! :)
My recent post Grabby Hands #7 | July 2016
1 reply · active 453 weeks ago
Yeah this is one that ALMOST put me in a reading slump, but then I pushed myself to immediately start a book I was really excited about. But this is just SO LONG. But the characters are so unique. It's just really hard because there are so many good and bad things about this book! Thank you Lucie!
I'm so ready to devour this book especially now they I read that it chronicles her life and features different characters as well. It sounds really intriguing!
My recent post Chatterbox: Calling All Fictional Ladies in STEM
1 reply · active 453 weeks ago
I'm glad then! I really want to know your thoughts about this :)
I'm really not sure about this, to tell you the truth. I heard mixed things about it and I just don't know what think anymore! I'm also seem to be very hesitant to pick up series that's first book is just being published now, because I lost interest in tons of series I started last year, even if I LOVED the first book. What can I say, I'm weird. I still might give this a chance - if nothing else, this book sounds very unique and different from the "norm", plus I enjoyed Illusions of Fate.
Anyways, wonderful review! <3
Veronika @ The Regal Critiques
1 reply · active 453 weeks ago
I didn't even know that she also wrote Illusions of Fate, which is still on my TBR after all this time. And yeah this book has been getting so many polarized (polar?) reviews that it kind of depends on the person you are. It seems like you can either love it or hate it (or be like me and think it's in the middle!)
Ahhh, now I am so torn about this one. I have seen people who adored it and people who couldn't finish it. Argh, what's a girl to do?? I guess I will give it a chance, but maybe I will do it when there is a sale so I am not paying full price. Sorry you didn't love this one more.
My recent post The Totally Should've Book Tag
1 reply · active 453 weeks ago
READ IT ANYWAYS. Just kidding. Only if you have time. I definitely second getting it on sale. Maybe when the second book is close to being released?

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