Thursday, January 7, 2016

Tips For The Forgetful (Or Trying Not To Lose Your Mind Over Book Details)

I don't know if it's the same for you, but I often have an incredibly hard time remembering details from recently read books, such as character names, settings, what exactly happened, you know, unimportant things. I don't think it necessarily has to do with bad memory (or maybe it does! Who knows), but more of other factors.

Here's a list of great tips I've started using since 2016 in order to remember what I just read!


In all my drafts of reviews, I have a simple outline that I use as my notes. It comes in super handy when I'm about to write the actual review.

And obviously I'll include pretty much EVERYTHING, including spoilers, and what happens in the end (which is why all of that is bolded out). You never know when you're going to have to read the sequel, which means you obviously have to remember how the previous book ended!

I know some also write notes while they're reading, but for some reason I could never get into that. Although I find the idea appealing, the note-taking disrupting my reading flow. Which is why I just have to trust that my brain will remember enough for me to write my thoughts out in the end.


This is the part where I tell you I actually LIKE the update from Goodreads. Mainly because with it, came a new feature allowing you to have private notes to yourself for each book. This is below the actual review section.
There are still drawbacks to this unfortunately, like having a limit of only 300 characters. However, I rather not put my spoilers in the review, only because I don't feel like editing them to make them fit in, ya know? This is why I try to summarize the ending in just a few sentences, while everything else, like character names and the likes, will be in my actual review.


This usually falls to my blogger friends, or Recaptains. The wonderful people behind that site will spoil you on purpose by recapping what the book was about. This works wonderfully for series starters, where I haven't read the book in A YEAR and I have no clue what happened. Because it was a year ago. So now there really is no excuse to not picking up that sequel.


Quotes are the hardest for me to keep track of because, as I said before, I hate when my reading is disrupted. And then whenever I saw a quote I liked, I often told myself "I'll definitely remember this page number" or "I'll find it on Goodreads!" neither of which end up working for me. Which is why rather than taking the time to highlight a passage in my Kindle, or writing out the full quote, I now write down the page number, or bookmark the page in my Kindle. Then, after I finish, I'm free to go back to the page, and VOILA, it is still there (surprise)! Because of this, I actually have a number of quotes I can use in my reviews. And if I need them again, I can go back to said reviews and share them on Goodreads, or my TTTs.


Unless it is painfully boring. Going to be honest, I have this problem. I skim, and I think that is the number one reason I 1) get confused and 2) don't remember. This gets worse more towards the end of a book, where I am just either excited for the conclusion, or I just want to get started on a new book. This year, I want to make sure I know what's going on (unless the book is particularly boring at that point) and not live in confusion just because I skipped five paragraphs of text.

I'm always looking for new ways to remember what I read, especially when it comes to writing reviews. Attempting to write a review on a book I remember nothing about (It happened, I wrote the review, but was overall displeased with it) never ends well.

Feel free to leave more tips below! I hear bullet journals are all the rage these days, and regular journals alike!

There is also this Book Blogging Journal Template if you're interested by Hazel @ Stay Bookish!

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THIS IS MY LIFE. I tell myself that nonsense from #4 every single time. And do I remember? NOPE. Nicole, my Secret Sister from last round, gave me PAGE FLAGS and they are my saviors. Because I keep them next to my bed, so I can just throw them in whenever I find something of interest in a physical book. Kindle is easier because of the notes and highlight stuff.

Also YES to Recaptains. I feel like we should start funding the site so they can devote ALL their time to recapping ALL the books. I mean, I can't because I am terrible at it, but they are really good! I would give them all my money (you know, $7.63)

Remind me to stalk the comments so I can see the actual decent advice that everyone else has, not me trying to buy my way to laziness.
My recent post Human Behavior 101
1 reply · active 477 weeks ago
I have this so often! I try to review immediately after finishing a book but that's not always possible for me. I never noticed the Goodreads update that allows you to have private notes! THANK YOU SO MUCH for mentioning it. I shall use it always. And I really love Recaptains. Where would I be without them? Seriously.
My recent post Mini Reviews of Riyria | A Thank You Note to Michael J. Sullivan
1 reply · active 477 weeks ago
Oh I totally get what you mean by the quotes thing! IT sometimes feels like everyone else has a huge quote base, but I don't, because I can't stop reading a great book! These are great tips by the way - I'll definitely try them out! And Recaptains looks like such an amazing site! Great post!
My recent post When should I mark a book as DNF?
2 replies · active 477 weeks ago
These are really great tips! I definitely have these problems when it comes to reviewing books. I want to say something about something particular that happens in the book, but then I have trouble remembering! Taking notes (and taking down page numbers) would be a good idea!
My recent post Review: Ash and Bramble by Sarah Prineas
1 reply · active 477 weeks ago
I am so awful with remembering stuff. When in my kindle I highlight and add notes all the time. I try to write reviews within a day or two to help. Still I forget. But you totally just changed my life with that Recaptions website. Thank you!!
My recent post Break from Books ~Midseason TV Check In
1 reply · active 477 weeks ago
OMG! This is absolutely my biggest problem. I just had to go to recaptions last night. I got one of those book journals last year, where you basically fill out the same as what you have in #1 and I was so bad about actually using that. Going to try and do that more this year. Great post :)
My recent post 2015 Reading Stats
1 reply · active 477 weeks ago
Great post! All these tips are super helpful :) I should start note-taking more; I don't normally just because I'm lazy. But for books I need to review that I read months ago, it would make it so much easier. Though I don't read on my Kindle that often, I do love all the bookmarking/highlighting/note options. Especially for quotes.
And I don't skim, I jump around the page. Seriously, it's terrible. If a book is extremely boring, I probably just won't finish it. But if it gets interesting, I start skipping ahead, get confused, go back, skip again...gah, it's a vicious cycle.
1 reply · active 477 weeks ago
I love this post, Val! Though I usually have a pretty good memory for these sorts of things, there are times that I wish I had taken the time to write down notes immediately after finishing a novel! Thanks for sharing these tips! I'm sure they're going to help lots of other bloggers!
My recent post Two Year Blogoversary + A Giveaway
1 reply · active 477 weeks ago
Oh my gosh, this is me all over. Great post! I need to start writing down key things when I get done reading, it would make reviewing a LOT easier.

I like making notes/highlighting while reading, but I do hate that it takes me out of the story since I have to then take time to write down whatever.

Ooh, wait, there's a private notes section? I didn't know that, I knew there were the status updates but not notes, I'll have to look into that.

Recaptains would be so great for series.

Quotes quotes quotes quotes quotes. I'm like that too "I will TOTALLY remember this passage, how could I forget it? It's so great." and then I of course end up completely forgetting it. With physical books, I like to stick pieces of paper in them (but so they still stick out of the book) and find the old quotes that way.

No skimming? Sighhh. I don't actually do that too often, but I have done it before. I don't generally skip whole paragraphs of text. Lo..

I don't have any tips! :( I'll be stalking the comments for tips though.
My recent post ARC Review: Firsts by Laurie E. Flynn
1 reply · active 477 weeks ago
I never ever write notes, I hate writing and I'm not a big fan of typing much either...
I do highlight my favorite quotes and bookmark my favorite scenes which does help a lot!
1 reply · active 477 weeks ago
I usually review immediately after reading the book. I hate having to go back through a book to find a characters name, but I am usually like "The girl finds this thing and then she sets on off on an adventure with the boy." then I go look in the book. I can never remember character names, it's awful. I have never heard of Recaptain, but I got it bookmarked now. Great post!
My recent post Things That Inspire Me ~Beyond the Books
1 reply · active 477 weeks ago
I use goodreads status updates to mark pages and quotes. This backfires sometimes if I give away my arc and then have a hardcover with completely different page counts (and sometimes makes my goodreads updates a bit spoilery) but aside from making a point of reading closely on my first read (why I don't re-read much at all) it's the best strategy I have for keeping track of key details. Also the Recaptains are folk heroes in my book.
1 reply · active 477 weeks ago
I can't tell you how often I have no clue what the characters' names are WHILE I'm reading a book. When I watch a new TV show it usually takes me at least ten episodes to remember people's names. I used to take notes while reading but these days I'm just... too lazy? :D I never skim though, I have the exact opposite problem when it comes to that. I can't skim for the same reason I can't read series out of order. It just messes with my brain. xD Sometimes I probably SHOULD skim though. I do sometimes read and later realize I have no idea what I just read (especially with descriptions and such), so if I reread books there will always be things I didn't pick up on the first time. Recaptains is AMAZING. So helpful! And I didn't know about that new Goodreads Feature, I'll have to check it out.

My recent post We Have a Radio Show!
1 reply · active 477 weeks ago
OMG I love this post so much, it's so useful! I started taking notes as well. I normally bookmark quotes or memorable moments that I want to revisit later on, but I have the worst book amnesia. I didn't know about that GR feature, it looks extremely useful although that 300 word limit wouldn't satisfy me!
My recent post Indulgence Insider #45 – Welcome to 2016!
1 reply · active 477 weeks ago
This is so useful! I'm definitely a skim reader, which is probably my main reason I forget so many details. I love sites like that, that explain the plot for you. What would I do without them?
1 reply · active 477 weeks ago
I love this post! I am pretty bad at remembering specific things that I liked and didn't like in books, as well as names (and big plot points in previous books in series, but that's more for reading than reviewing). I've tried to be better with my reviews lately, and write them a few days after finishing the book because then everything is still pretty fresh in my mind! It's when I wait too long that i sit down and only remember the general gist of the book.

Back when I first started blogging, I would write my reviews THE MOMENT I finished the book. Those were the good old days.

I don't think I could be bothered writing notes and then a review, because I'd rather just save time and write the review right then XD

I love Recaptains, but I wish their database was bigger! There are a heap of series that aren't on there, so sometimes I have to go into a sequel blind, and it takes a while for me to even catch on to what is happening D:
My recent post The Infinity Dreams Award
1 reply · active 477 weeks ago

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