It is my 22nd birthday!
Do I feel any older, NOPE probably not. And it's not like last year where I was finally allowed to drink alcohol (This isn't stopping me from not drinking later today though). I also plan to buy some donuts, and oh, go to a doctor's appointment, at 8am in the morning. Yay. But I think after getting that out of the way, I'll be fine. I'm still not exactly sure what I want to do with the day, but I'll figure something out?
I'm still quite positive I'll be carded for the rest of my life. Which is why when I reach 30, I'll be deducting tip from any waiter or waitress that asks for my ID. SORRY NOT SORRY. (Yes I know that is 8 years away)
Again, because I don't want to JUST post that it's my birthday (that would be so immodest, me asking for your birthday wishes), I'll be providing a couple of fun facts about myself. Also, THANK YOU to everyone that gave me bday presents! I'm planning to post my haul tomorrow!
Here are some wonderful facts about yours truly:
- I used to be from Boston, but now that my parents are moving to Florida, should I still consider myself from Boston? (I say yes)
- I am a huge video game nerd. I just recently looked up what 2016 has to offer, and apparently 4 out of the 5 games release on December 30th, 2016? Definitely some sort of joke. That's $240 out of my wallet right there! (I'm sure they'll be pushed back)
- Every year, my best friend's little sis draws me a birthday poop. I will update this post with the latest birthday poop when I get it, but for now, here are the last two years.

- I am different from most people in that I have two uteruses, and one kidney. Yep. Great huh. I found out last year, and this year I'll be getting surgery, not to get it removed...well, I don't want to get into the details because then it will be really TMI-y. Also, I call them my uteri. I'm sad I have only one kidney. (Shannon made me a great graphic on the "Do's and Don'ts of Val's Uteri", and I would post it, but again, pretty TMI-y)
- I have already pre-ordered three books for February, and they are Salt to the Sea, Remembrance (MEDIATOR BOOK #7!!!!), and lastly, A Gathering of Shadows (SIGNED!). I am very excited for them all! I would pre-order more books, but I am moving and therefore have no idea which address I need to put down.
- I plan to buy a paddleboard with all my tax refund money, because priorities.
- I'm going to ALAMW 2016 in Boston! I actually also plan to go to ALA 2016 in Orlando, and also BEA 2016. This year is going to be fun. Ha. Good thing I'll be buying new bookshelves for the new house (AND MY NEW ROOM).
- Since coming home for Winter Break, I have already eaten a total of 8 chocolate frosted donuts from Dunkin Donuts and I regret nothing.
- I still like brains. It is my major after all.
- And lastly, I LOOOOVE BOOK BLOGGING. AND MY BLOGGER FRIENDS. You all mean the world to me.
Thanks for reading! And for those of you going to ALA, see you soon!
darkeststorm 55p · 478 weeks ago
Ah, video games are so expensive! That's crazy, but I'm not surprised.
Yayyy, I hope you have a fantastic day, after the appointment. <3
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shannonmiz 83p · 478 weeks ago
OH- and I promise, when you're carded at 30, you'll give her EXTRA tips ;)
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Alexa @ Off the Page 44p · 478 weeks ago
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corrallingbooks 62p · 478 weeks ago
Karen Blue · 478 weeks ago
This looks like such an exciting year for you. I would LOVE to go to ALA Boston, it is so close to me right now. I am not a member, so I don't think I can get in. I will be at BEA 2016, would love to meet you in person there. (are you going to the blogger conference? i signed up.) Anyways, 22 is a great year to be. I know you got everything all figured out already, so I won't try to give you advice. I do predict you will change your mind about tipping when you get carded in the future, but who knows. I hope you have the best birthday so far!
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jazmen · 478 weeks ago
jnbarber13 28p · 478 weeks ago
Hope you have a wonderful day!
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Shay@TheStoryGoes · 478 weeks ago
When you said fun facts, you really meant fun facts. I mean birthday poop, multiple uteruses, AND BRAINS? You are one interesting person. <3
Hope you have an amazing day!!!
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bmaraia 32p · 478 weeks ago
peach · 478 weeks ago
the birthday poop graphics are seriously adorable. I might be a tad obsessed. heehee.
Yay for fun facts! mega jells you get to go to both ALAS & BEA. (I can't go to none of the above. Blah. :( ) There is NEVER anything wrong with 8 donuts, especially chocolate-frosted. also, good luck with your appointment! <3
AND NEW BOOKSHELVES. ALWAYS YAY. All the love, darling! <3
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acps927 52p · 478 weeks ago
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Kayla · 478 weeks ago
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ingeofwonderland 59p · 478 weeks ago
What games would you recommend? I've mostly been playing Skyrim and Fable II, but kind of want to branch out!
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Ana Mafalda · 478 weeks ago
Wow those are really interesting facts, the uteri awoke the biomedical student in me and just... wow! And now I want a chocolate frosted donut...
Again, hope you have the greatest year yet :)
Vlora · 478 weeks ago
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sourbamboo 90p · 477 weeks ago
Not gonna lie, having uteri sounds pretty darn cool. One of my friend's mom had two spleens (which they thought was a tumor at first but nahh it's all good. :D Hope surgery goes well!)
- Aila @ Happy Indulgence