Friday, January 5, 2018

Sequel Smashers Challenge

As part of the new year, I've decided to participate in a reading challenge (and the first one in a while too!) Together with my buds Shannon, Holly, and Rashika (the one who came up with this idea AND name), I'll be reading as many sequels as possible, because honestly I SUCK at continuing on with series. Here I'll be featuring the ones I currently plan to read!

Along with this challenge, I also set a challenge for myself. Last year, Holly read one full series per month. I'll be copying her and doing the same for this year, because I tend to forget what happens in the first book. So instead of being confused (like I always am), I'm going to refresh my memory before reading the next book. And I'll only be doing rereads for series that are already complete (don't want to keep forgetting what happens, haha)

Without further ado, here are some sequels I plan on getting to this year!

I've already read a few of these in the past, but I'm hoping to reread them later this year! Are you participating in any reading challenges? Feel free to participate in this one if you want!

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