Friday, January 24, 2014

Book Blogger Hop #1

Book Blogger Hop
Hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer

Do you think you will ever read every book in your TBR stack?

It really depends on when I actually stop adding more books to my TBR stack, because what usually happens, is while I'm on Goodreads, I end up just adding more and more books I discover from my update feed. The only way I can read every book, is if I just stop myself from going on Goodreads. But even then I still have a mental to read list in my head. 

Do you think you'll ever finish every book you've wanted to read? Leave your answer below :)


  1. I know what you mean. I am in the same boat. Read one add three.

  2. I think I will. I mean, my to-read list is only like twenty books right now, but I know I'll eventually get to them all because I am for sure interested in each and every one of them. When you have a to-read list of 100+ books, its harder to be so sure that you'll read them all, so I get where you're coming from.

    1. Yeah. And I don't know about you, but sometimes I just don't feel like reading certain books, even though they're on my list.

  3. I can't have a Goodreads TBR list, it would be WAY too many books! :) I think I can maybe get to all the books on my physical TBR stack someday... Here's my response Happy hopping!

    1. I have 11/22/63 by Stephen King on my bookshelf, and that's more than 500 pages. My physical TBR is so much smaller, but even then I still procrastinate

  4. Goodreads is such a double-edged sword--great for keeping track of what you read, but it also ensures that your TBR list just keeps growing and growing . . .

    1. I've already accepted the fact that I will never finish all my books on my TBR list

    2. My TBR pile has grown insanely since becoming a book blogger, getting inspired to read different genres as well which I didn't consider before.

  5. hmmm... I don't have a Goodreads account. I'm sure I would have the same problem if I did. :)


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