Tuesday, May 9, 2017

5 Reasons Why I Miss Blogging

Let's be honest. I have NOT been the most active here. My reasons for that have been mainly due to 1) work and grad school and 2) just not enough motivation at all. But now that all my assignments are turned in, it's finally summer. And you would think that because of all this time, I would be more excited to blog, right?

Wrong. I am even more lazy. I feel like I have to put extra effort to come up with posts and TYPE STUFF. Never have I wanted to blog from my brain more than I do now.

But while saying all of this, I can say that there were a couple aspects of blogging that I miss. FOR EXAMPLE.

1. Seeing new content on the blog. This used to be, and still is, a big reason why I loved to blog. I loved seeing this little project grow into something encompasses my passion and my creativity (what little that I have of it, at least). Even though this isn't a published book or paper, it's nice seeing your finished website out there in the world, in the public. Sure, it might not be as modern or efficient as a self-hosted Wordpress blog, but I don't have the money to justify that haha.

2. Reading other blogs and *genuinely* enjoying it. There used to be a time where I dedicated some days as "commenting" days. And then I would comment on every single Top Ten post, on every blog's first post if they commented on mine, on every post in general. And it was just, tedious. And I burned out quickly. I'm sure every other blogger can tell you this same little story. Which is why I realized that it's okay to not comment on some posts, because I personally don't enjoy forcing my comments, and I know the blogs I read deserve genuine comments (where I actually read everything word for word and DON'T skim).

3. And following up on that, keeping tracking of my favorite bloggers. Because I need to know what you're reading, doing, how your life is, at every point in time. And Twitter is nice and all, but reading personal posts gives me a much better perspective. ALSO I love showing my support on my favorite blogs because I want to let my friends know that their posts matter. THEY MATTER TO ME. And that's really all that counts, right?

4. Talking about books. This is a big one. It's why I started blogging in the first place. But somewhere along the way, writing reviews became more of a chore rather than an enjoyable hobby. Which is why I am constantly trying new reviewing strategies. Sometimes, it's just hard because I don't always have something to say or comment on. I just...flail. Or...think meh. BUT I do very much enjoy roasting books I hated. My blog is more of a place to get my feelings out about a book, but I don't think it's a great place to incite discussion. Twitter is a better place for that, but social media has seen better days, imo.

5. And lastly, YOU. Obviously I love getting comments, and I'm just glad everyone is sticking with me. Though I think I need to go through the blogosphere again, just to keep count of who's still here and who isn't. I think everyone I know is still blogging? Again, I need to comment.

What makes you come back to blogging after a slump? Also I don't think I'll be the most active here, but I will post when I can, and that's all that matters!

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You know what would be funny if a random popped by and saw "you" and thought "d'aw LIL OL' ME?!?". Creeper status achieved. My commenting days started and ended a lot of the times with TTT. I still try to do them but commenting-wise I am garbage.

Fun idea: just read books you know you'll hate and then review them. Hey, maybe one will surprise you.

throwaway comment is throwaway.
1 reply · active 408 weeks ago
LOL yeah too bad there's no randoms visiting my blog though. YOU'RE THE ONLY RANDOM HERE. You're the creeper.

It's ok I am garbage commenting wise too. Whatever.

I agree with all of this. I've been blogging steadily for six years now, and I can't even imagine stopping because I think I would miss all of these things.
1 reply · active 408 weeks ago
I'm glad! Hope you keep blogging forever haha
I am new to blogging, but I was always a on GoodReads, in groups, and on blogs commenting. However, I comment when I have an actual real thought to offer. I love talking about books, and my daughter was the only person who really discussed books with me. Then college stole her away from me, and she has little time to read. *sad face* So, online will have to suffice, but I never feel like I HAVE TO do anything, which is why I am ok with it. I am sure if I dedicated myself more to social media, my blog would grow more, but I just don't have the time or the ambition. I try to do what makes me happy, and that's all I can do.
1 reply · active 408 weeks ago
Aw no, sad that you have no one at home to discuss books with. And yeah, I feel like I no longer have the ambition to keep growing my blog. As long as I am discussing books with the people I love, then that's fine with me!
I can definitely relate to all of this, which is why no matter how many times I go MIA I always come back. I think the interaction is definitely the best and worst thing about blogging. Blogs are great for really catching up with others and connecting to their words, but in order to really do that you have to read and comment on posts and that can take SO MUCH TIME. It's like this week, I could've just pushed out a post on Tuesday and Thursday like I normally do now that I've feeling a bit motivated, but I told myself I couldn't because I have comments from MARCH I haven't even responded to yet. So my priority is to get all that sorted first and then worry about content because yes, new content and watching your project grow is great, but it also can feel quite empty without a community. Or at least for me. (That and I've always been one of those who feel guilty if I don't respond to a comment. If someone takes the time to comment, i feel like they deserve a reply. >.< ;)

I hope you find a good balance between letting yourself laze and blogging again. Don't feel like you have to throw yourself all the way in just because you're on summer break. Even if it's just a post here and there, your readers will still appreciate it. :)
1 reply · active 408 weeks ago
Yes I love that you come back though Asti! I haven't read all your posts but I love how interesting they are! And yeah commenting takes up SO MUCH TIME that I really only can dedicate comments to a couple of my friends. Also I have comments I haven't gotten to from the last two months, but I just can't at this point :P

Thanks Asti!
Girl. I FEEL you. Ever since shenanigans of last year, I've been feeling less motivated and all I want to do is share funny GIFs, among other slacking things.

Plus Twitter is just 140 characters of difficulty. 😭

I comment when I can, though.
1 reply · active 408 weeks ago
Same! It just is really difficult to stay motivated!
You missed reason #6. "This is the most important one really. I miss reading Shannon's The 100 recaps every week. It's a show that I secretly watch and secretly love, and Shannon is the most entertaining human being who ever humaned, so obviously this is a winning combo. I haven't made any snarky comments on her recaps in ages, and I worry she is going to feel like she is losing her touch, which is obviously not the case. Also, she makes her own GIFs which impresses me to no end, and we had a GIF war the other day and she totally won because The 100 is boss."

There, all fixed.

P.S.- I am glad to see you posting again, in seriousness. Slumps are hard. And tbh, I think it is hard when you give into the slump because it makes it harder to come out of? Not saying that you SHOULDN'T step back when you're overwhelmed, because that is why I am a mess (because I don't, obviously) but it's like... harder to get back into the groove, so give yourself some time, you know? Also I love you, and you're welcome for the help.
1 reply · active 409 weeks ago

And now because you said this, I will spam all of your silly THE 100 posts. And write random stuff. Because I can.

Well I am happy you will be posting when you can :) I agree with your reasons of why to miss/keep blogging. I love reading my favorite blogs (sometimes I do skim though because time is hard and kids and stuff) and talking about books. No one IRL cares about books so it is up to the blogs for me. Blogging slumps are hard though and I know I need to take time off at points during the year not to be burnt out.
1 reply · active 408 weeks ago
Yeah I feel like it is impossible to not skim things some times! Because time! AND YES, no one cares about books in my friend group either, except one or two, and even then they don't read the same things!
I get it, it's that whole absence makes the heart grow fonder in blogging form. Whenever you take a break from blogging you really notice the things you miss. Sure, when you're blogging regularly certain tasks can seem tedious but you notice their absence when you're not doing it. I may put off some of my blog reading occasionally (I really need to cut back on the number I follow, when you're seeing over 100 posts you need to decide if you want to read or not it's easy to see why you might be a put off from doing it) but when I do read people's post I love all the ideas I get from it. It makes me want to write things and blog and it's great and I love speaking to other people who love books as much as I do. And it's crazy that even a week away from blogging finds you with all these words you want to put on the screen and you wonder where they were when you staring at a blank screen trying to write that discussion post you've had on the to do list for a month. I've never really closely examined what keeps me coming back to blogging, especially after a slump. I think it's mostly the people. You see familiar faces coming around and commenting on your posts and you miss it when you don't see their names in your inbox. at least, that's what I find anyway.

The thing with blogging is you have to do what you want to do. Even if you can't blog every week or regularly if you're noticing you're missing you obviously still enjoy it so just do what you want. There aren't any rules after all. You post what you want when you want. Hopefully, you can find something which works for you because you've certainly got a lot going on.
1 reply · active 408 weeks ago
Hahah yep, you hit the nail on the head!

Yeah I feel like it's definitely gonna be a mood thing. There will be times where words will just be flowing through me. And then other times, just no. And reading other posts definitely gets me motivated too! Until I have to look at that blank screen haha. I think it really helps if you just accumulate a list of topics to write about, or reviews.

I hope I find a balance as well, because I have definitely not been consistent this past year. Which is okay with me so I don't mind hahah.
As burnt out as I'm feeling in regards to a lot of aspects of blogging lately, I feel like I would miss it, even though I put it off a lot, haha. HYPOCRITE. Whatever.

I totally feel you on the commenting thing. I used to set aside a few hours for commenting and I would write so many and visit so many blogs, and now I barely get around to replying to comments, let alone finding new posts for all the blogs I follow (whih is what I used to do).

I honestly just don't know how to get my blogging mojo back. Have I been doing it too long? Do I need a break? Do I need to change things up? I'm not sure. I just know that I don't feel about it the way I did a few years ago, when I loved everything to do with it. Maybe I WILL take a break, but I always get scared that people will forget me, haha.

Just blog as often as you can, lovely! When it becomes a chore it isn't good for you <3
1 reply · active 408 weeks ago
Hahahah so true!

Yesss I spent so much time finding new blogs, especially when a bunch of people I used to follow quit! But now there really isn't a good way for me to find new blogs to check out. Well, not a good efficient way.

I think my problem was that I needed a change. I needed to format my reviews differently, not worry about "sounding professional", not worry about finding the "right gif" and have three of them, or whatever. Just write whatever pops in my head, and go with that.

<3 <3 thank you Chiara!
Oh I've done that thing where I tried to comment on EVERY top ten Tuesday post.😂 IT'S INSANELY TIRING!! Good for stats/networking of course, but like...sanity, come back to me.😂
Aghbut blogging burn out and slumps are hard. *gives you cake* I think the easiest way to get back into it is just to put aside a day (or two?) for posting and try to keep with it. That's what works for me, but I really like schedules haha. They're not for everyone!
YAS to loving chatting with people about books. <3 (Although totally agree that social media has seen better days eeek.)😂
I relate to this post so much! I have zero motivation to blog right now, but on the other hand I love blogging and seeing new posts up and interacting with other bloggers, so... oops? :D I'm hoping I'll be more active once I finish my postgrad and don't have the pressure of writing essays from home all the time anymore. Also for what it's worth, I always just sort of assumed your blog was self-hosted, because it looks so pretty! And I can't do the random commenting either, because if I comment I've usually read the whole post and that takes me a while.
I pretty much just wrote a post about this today. I too have not been that active lately, and it makes me have to much guilt! I love seeing your posts on here and knowing which books to add to my list or avoid.
I have missed your blog Val and commenting as well! With such a hectic year, I have been super slack with catching up on my favourite blogs. But I enjoy it so much because I get to see what you guys are up to!

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